Donate - Let's Wade In ($5)
Hope Streams, a family business, has a mission to connect the generations to the Father and to each other. So that we can: Start well. Live well. Recover well. Build well. Finish well.
To that end for children, tweens and teens, we’ve launched the first phase of Let’s Wade In. It’s a YouTube channel (search: Hope Streams Let’s Wade In) and a Facebook page (Let’s Wade In@letswadein). It’s both a TOOL for parents, grandparents and caregivers to assist you in your spiritual work with your children and grandchildren–and a COMMUNITY for the children, tweens and teens to gather, to learn, to encourage and be encouraged as well as trained and equipped.
Our spirits are aware and alert from the moment our Heavenly Father places us in our mother’s womb. Children, tweens and teens have the ability to learn and grow in spiritual things. In fact, it has been said that a child’s worldview is set by the time they turn five (wow, not much time!). However, we know from our work in youth ministry and with our own children that there’s an opportune window of time to “imprint” truth, love, and connected values throughout childhood and the teen years. It’s the PRIME time! And, the children are READY, the Heavenly Father spoke to our family.
The whole foundation of Let’s Wade In is helping the children, tweens and teens connect in the first-person to our Heavenly Father, and go with God, go for the gold in the race of their OWN lives on their OWN faith, not on the coat-tails of their parents’, caregivers’, or teachers’ faith.
What we’re doing is actively acknowledging their unique—and irreplaceable–place in our Father’s heart, in their personhood, and in their missions on earth, as well as intentional training in godliness that emphasizes spirit nurture and soul development.
We know from Scripture and history that when Joshua led the children of Israel in war and in peace, they prospered. However, when the Joshua generation passed over to their Heavenly reward, the children of Israel were lost spiritually. As a result, the situation in the nation rapidly deteriorated.
It is of premium importance that we actively work to pass forward TRUTH AND LOVE to the next generations so that: “When the Joshua generation is gone, the children can carry on. Strong.”
If you’ve been wanting a way to connect to the younger generation and/or be a part of the active passing of your faith, here is something to consider. Hope Streams is a business in structure, but a ministry at heart. Those who have chosen to partner with us are so appreciated.
— prayer and blessing gifts are spiritual forms of partnering and are so appreciated (Colossians 1:9-11 is an excellent model).
–helping us spread the word that Let’s Wade In is open to the children, tweens and teens in your life!
–financial gifts are brought to our Father with heart-felt thanks and the eternal circle of giving and receiving flows (2 Corinthians 9:12-15).
— for your financial gift for Let’s Wade In, the audio download of “Peace of Sabbath Rest” is our gift to you!
NOTE: Donations are not tax-deductible.