Track 01 - Peace Intro and Blessing - Hope Streams

Track 01 - Peace Intro and Blessing

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(Perfect Peace - Track 1 - is the introduction to the Perfect Peace blessings in audio format, and a specific blessing for parents and caregivers.)

Scripture teaches that faith grows through the sound of the Gospel (Romans 10:17). Perfect Peace, the audio album, includes all twenty-two blessing chapters from the book written by Crystal Wade. It is here presented by Dr. Anne Rowntree. The music on these tracks impacts the right side of the brain where the emotions are stored while the words affect the left side of the brain which analyzes and stores facts. This audio album incorporates blessings, based on Scripture, which impacts physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

The Bible is the blueprint for life. It takes a builder, however, to take the blueprints and construct a house. Crystal hammered Scripture application and real life situations relating to God, oneself, and others. Listening to, and soaking in, this album will build your spirit and your family’s into spiritual homes of peace—homes built with strength and the ability to withstand storms.

Crystal Wade is a daughter of the Most High God. She's a wife, mother, and author. Through her writings, the Heavenly Father's life flows and His healing virtue impacts people.  Dr. Rowntree served in Africa as a missionary doctor during her career practicing medicine.  She is an apostle to the healing ministry.  Celeste Stewart played the harp for patients at a Georgia hospital for a decade.  She releases divine healing through the sound of her worship to countless people. From their co-labor of love, there's a three-fold cord of healing in this audio album. 

(Note: This free audio download will come to your email address after the check-out process on a receipt with a download button. It is not a physical product.)